Sunday, July 18, 2010

You want illegal aliens ?Take them into your homes, pay for their food,clothing give them your social security,and hospital care and teach them Englis

Lake Worth Anti-Americans, who want illegal aliens to invade this Country, have written and voted against all American Tax and Social Security and Healthcare payers.Don't be generous with what I AND ALL LAW ABIDING AMERICANS HAVE worked for ,for more than 30 years and those with many more years!!

As a legal immigrant,who went through all legal procedures ,first to secure money guarantee of many thousands TO PROOF ECONOMIC INDEPENDANCE OF THOSE ,HERE PAYING TAXES ETC., in this Country, to get a LEGAL Immigration Service issued Green card, than 7 years later a LEGAL, Washington issued passport,I know that loyal Americans with more that 200 years of hard work, live by this Country's Laws, as no cicvilized Society can exist without Laws.
Is the bestial element in Lake Worth speaking up for illegal alien law breakers?

Those who want illagel aliens to invade this Country breaking the Laws, should move to the Country where they can live without Laws.

They do not pay the taxes for all legal Americans and Social Security for all legal Americans who have worked ,30,40 and 50 years for it!

Anti- Americans of Lake Worth,
give your homes to them and move to their Country without money and papers,(if you own one,if you don't, get the hell out with those parasites and give your money and hospital insurance to them!!!!Take their false IDs for stealing,housing,WELLFARE, drivers' licenses, our foodstamps for legal Americans, and other Social services!

So get the hell out of this Country with the illegal Law breakers,their murderers,drugdealers,burglars(no jobs so....)muggers car thieves,$3.00 prostitutes, etc. and

go to the Country you prefer, and take the criminal parasites,leeches and bloodsuckers with you!!!!You do not pay taxes for all legal Americans !!!!
Don't come back!

Dee McNamara, Lake Worth legal loyal American tax and social security payers for many years interests' Advocate!

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