Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lake Worth highest Commercial Electric rates caused by new Commission member Maxwell vote!

Maxwell,Romano, McKinnon and Egley voted to hand us over to FMPA with signing a predatory insidious, extortionate rate containing Contract,with false promises, all on record!

Maxwell's signature forced us to sell electricity we produce,
with our three $50.000.000.- generators to FMPA (not to be used by us cheaply created) for approx.$45.00 per Megawatt and we must buy it back from FMPA for $90.00 per Mega watt,

then at the new extortionate price sold to us, crippling Lake Worth households finacially.

Devious truth challenged Clemens forced this Contract 2 1/2 year longer on us, even though Laurence McNamara who read the Contract with Bill Coakley found a 5 year penalty free exit Clause!!!!!
Clemens with Vespo.Lowe and Jennings, because they know Nothing about Electric generation costs and never read the Contract, voted against termination of that predatory Contract, to show his Mayoral seats Power to hurt and starve poor families!!!

Thruth challenged Clemens, Lowe and Vespo hired an FMPA member for our Utility Director, to help FMPA keep control our Utility. This new Director is presenting millions of dollars in questionable waived bidding,
purchasing and Consultants fees bills through the Consent agenda,
so it is not verified, and automatically approved.

We are hemorraging millions again,with the City manager pushing it through without one objection to her friend's expenditures,the FMPA Board member Utility Director Mattey.
She allowed a 1 million dollar blow out damage, of our transformer by the janitor-now plant manager-FMPA member.To delay our electricity delivery, and sabotage our termination of the most expensive FMPA Contract termination, so FMPA will continue to take our electricity and bill us ever higher, as money is Consented out of our Utility !
The repair could have been done on the spot with Lake Worth resident certified Electrical Engineers for approx.$800.000 less!

But it is not their money, so, f.... Lake Worth Citizen taxpayers, they stick them with the highest Commercial electric rates so businesses,

will avoid Lake Worth RIGHTFULLY,like the plague! THE CHAMBER IS NOW ATTENDED BY VESPO!!!Hahahahahha!The one of $60,000,000.- in crooked waived bidding Contracts and the FMPA COntract !

Another loser, who knows nothing about value of electric generation and our genetion plant, and how to manage it, with 20 acres land, is talking about giving away our $200,000,000,- Utility, to expose us to the predatory open Energy market for acquisition of Electric Energy!FPL offered us $50,000,000.-, charged back to us because legally they are not allowed to charge it to all their Florida customers!
Only to the municipality they bought it from.Hahahahahahahah Are we total suckers?

These incompetent stupid, criminals(because of ignorence and stupidity) want to give OUR City assets away,
because of their incompetence to manage!

Throw the bums out, annex with the criminal County or odious West Palm Beach with its own criminals!Clemens already gave away, without reading the predatory,harmful to us, Contracts, our Police Dept. established in 1913 and Fire Dept.
because of Clemens inability to manage. We now lose millions because of suplemental

payments by never read agreement, but ,
signed by truthchallenged Clemens, Vespo and Lowe!

This will save us 40% in taxes!

90% of Lake Worth population lives at or below poverty level.
To cripple the City further Maxwell and Varela want to have a foreclosure architect firm Living Design, who lost the bid,
for re-creation of our 1921 Lake Worth Casino, a proven succesfull source of revenue,
build an Out-House style abortion on our most valuable property,with millions in revenue potential if equipped with the appropriate revenue magnet our 1921 Lake Worth Casino!

Varela claims to want to help the City forward,hahahahahah! His votes proved that he hates our City and will try to force cheap BP level construction type, by a Living Design, an Out House on OUR Beach.
Read his empty campaign promises, many of you believed!!!!

He does not know about elegant round gazebo, with round Greek IONIC columns connected with trellises and greenery,would be the appropriate style for a covered pulbic
Convenience near our elegant 1921 Lake Worth Casino building by R.E.G. architects who won the bid for that job!

The Nowhere "Living" Design architecture concrete box is in foreclosure, built for John Romano, Rodney Romano's brother , and Sherdy appears to have told Mike Spruce of Kimley Horn engineering, that he was not paid for that e"con" job and therefore should get our City's Beach rehab job consultants fees, to force an Out-house style crappy cheap looking building on our billion dollar Palm Beach Island Ocean front 20 Acre Beach.

Primitive honesty challenged Commission members take out their disappointment with their own lives out,

with hostile decisions against our City. These are Commission members who want to keep Lake Worth poor and send it into the toilet.They are sneaking Sherdy into our 1921 Lake Worth Casino Charette process.Remember we voted him out!!!!
Varela and Maxwell do not own our valuable 20 acres Ocean front Palm Beach Island Beach!
They have thusfar been succesfull in leading our City towards bankruptcy and loss of services, we pay taxes for.
If anybody believes the theatrical cheap bull, which will be dispensed in an appropriate venue,

a theater,the constant lowering of the tax and Utility bills level,
deserve the present condition "Taxation without representation" and I congratulate the crooks and phonies for having made suckers of Lake Worth Citizens who swallow anything they shuffle.
We need thigh high boots to wade through their bull!

Dee Mcnamara, Citizens' interests' and truth Advocate

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