Monday, January 4, 2010

CollegePark and EdenPlace Communist style Elections?

Questionable Heads of the Eden Place and College Park neighborhoods Associations denied their residents the democratic opportunity to meet their Mayoral Candidates, who registered for them too, ,to hear their platforms, and ask questions with their concerns.
That would have enabled them to form a democratic free,personal opinion based on their intelligenc based observations, what they heard and saw.

The Communist,crooked realtors and profiteers, in those neighborhoods managed to take control of thousands of those neighborhoods' residents lives to run a Communist style Election, allowing only THEIR choice to be voted for!!!!!

Which suckers allowed that action in their neighborhoods? These Communists do not pay your taxes,Utilities, Free services for illegals etc.!
They are not sheep! Or.....?

That element cannot win a trip to a public convenience, without dirty underhanded actions. In this case they disenfranchised the residents of College Park and Eden Place of their ability to vote without based on their own unbiased iintelligent opinion..

Fidel Castro's followers are well represented in Lake Worth.
Is the whole town in agreement with Communist style Election? Fellow Citizens ,this is what happened!!!!!!
Dictatorial Haiti style?
I thought this was America, not Communist Cuba,Russia.

How many suckers live in Lake Worth who cannot make up their own minds, but need to be sleazed into an opinion by crooked Communist realtors,corrupt disgraced former
Officials-Profiteers and biased Commissioners?

Dee McNamara,free American,not communist style, Elections advocate!

1 comment:

  1. Send the College Park and Eden Place sneaky Communists to Cuba!
