Thursday, January 14, 2010

2 Seats up for re-election or replacement!Caveat Emptor!

Jo-Ann Golden promised in her recent campaign to start immediately with the recreation and restoration of our 1921 Lake Worth Casino to bring immediately jobs and economic relief to Lake Worth.She is aware of the legitimate positive results of a FREE Certified structural engineer's positive report from Straticon,
after 10 years of paying millions for inspections, plans, studies, consultations,and torturing longer, our Beachfront merchants with insecurity as to their future!

After 3 months she has approved further delays
of our 1921 Casino reconstruction,by allowing the new City manager who knows the Straticon positive engineers' report, to have this one bona fide Company job, made into 10 different inspection and Consultants jobs.Who pays for them?

This will delay the recreation of our 1921 Casino on Palm Beach Island, by years, as each seperate spread out part of those 10 delaying jobs,
must by inspected, and other nefarious actions we must paid for , so that the progress resulting from immediate restoration will be blocked indefinitely. Conceptul plans are not legally binding as we found out during the past 10 years.

Our Beach merchants will be tortured longer with insecurity over their lively hood.
Limited knowledge of the Administration, is the scope of our progress in Lake Worth.
Lake Worth Citizens have voted for this.Beware of corrupt realtors spreading their poison and the rabid,foaming at the mouth, former TRN Citizen !

The millions we spent on corrupt inspections by dishonest Project managers,Consultants fee, Studies and other nefarious purposes,
would to-day have helped the Haitian population.Re-elction to bankruptcy because of personal preference priorities intsead of Citzens,jobs and economy?

A bike path?,No revenue bringing plan!!A dog park? Not jobless priorities but Commission's personal priorities!
Before you vote, think on these Citizen's needs disregarding actions!!!!!!

How much more will the City manager spend,because she does not know that professional Historic restoration Companies have professional personnel which cover the whole job including the site surrounding it, which makes it less costly. I guess they don't give a damn! Their priorities based on lack of caring for economic progress for jobless and other poor!Me,me ,me don't I look important? My priorities and ridiculous anti social ideas first!

The new City manager Susan Stanton, ignores the legitimate Straticon's positive structural engineer's report, at the instruction of her and the Commissions' Boss,the purchasing agent.Has he allowed them to see that report? He has once hidden 33 responses to our RFPs,disclosed by chance during a meeting with Rachel Bach present.
The new City manager is here nearly 1 year, and the most important decision she made, is delaying the 1921 Lake Worth Casino recreation by speading one Company job out to 10, to delay it indefinitely.No immediate jobs and economic relief allowed to our City.Show that your wish is the tax payer's not the City's unemployment and economic downturn resolving needs! command!Phony Campaign promises again!!!!!

Re-election? Caveat Emptor!

Dee McNamara,truth and Citizens' interests' advocate!

1 comment:

  1. Haiti could have benefitted by the wasted money we spent on our Utility out of Town repairs($947.000) and millions in 1921 Casino recreation studies and continuing by new City manager Commission, consultants,phony reports.
    Etc etc. Cont'd
