Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lake worth tale of two Cities:High End Part and Low End part

Lake Worth has been kept a low End Town by the Low End element that managed to get itself elected with subterfuge,vicious lies!
False promises, empty statements underhanded actions, rigging by Communist Unions all gave Lake Worth its' unfortunate condition creating Commissions, near bankruptcy!

Low End ,shifty out and out dishonest, small minded City managers have undermined its growth, after the damage in the 50's, with a concrete bloc on our 1921 High End Casino,on our High End part of Town,our Palm Beach Island and Intercoastal waterfront land.

The High end Casino generated revenue to build up the rest of Lake Worth.
Living designs dropped a Nowhere architecture concrete box,Lake Worth's first green foreclosure for John Romano!A know nothing idiot calls it Art Deco!!!Hahaha

The Low End element, in the disfunctional, no vision from lack of right back ground, Commission and City manager,are sneakily, undermining the L.Worth upgrading architectural firm REG(check upscale record) by forcing John Romano's failure Nowhere,low End, architecture creating Co.,

to steal the uplifting,High End Lake Worth 1921 Casino job from REG,
who legally won the bidding process at City Hall.Lake Worth Citizens do not want Low End Nowhere,green foreclosure, architecture as Romano's stillborn on our Lake Avenue!

The Low End element in Lake Worth administration,is sabotaging Lake Worth taxpayers, for owning a High End part of Town and with Nowhere architecture Co. cheap work on high End Land,Palm Beach Island!!This Low End element,tries to make it Low End ,their mental state from birth.

The New low End minded,City manager Stanton,can only come up with one idea, for High End Palm Beach Island, cheap Low end construction, while currying favor with John Romano. Stanton forces with three Low End no revenue generating ability vision Commission members,Low End extension of Lake Worth.They are working at bringing Lake Worth down!

Maxwell hot air remarks, like loud Plotkins' are desperate efforts to draw attention for their non-contributing ,useless presence on our Commission and Committee.
Maxwell correctly dressed down for ignorance by the Chair.

Loud, hot air Plotkin does not know that we have consistently little by little repaired our Roads and sidewalks. Ask Joe Kroll!

She is the only one who does not know that and spews loud hot air to draw attention to her uselesness based on ignorance of our City's history.

Vulgarly loud shrieking Lindsay,of the blistering defeat by Cara Jennings(4,500 votes),is the strongest promoter of proven incompetent Greater Bay by the job on our swimming pool wich caused us loss of revenue and has deprived children and elderly ,acquatics doing handicapped from its' use.The toilets where she works,are impeccable!

We lost 2 1/2 years of our 1921 Casino re-creation millions of revenue potential,
not realized by its' Low End Dixie Highway promoter and phony promises! !Do our Lawyers bring this up?We pay them for it!

Palm Beach Island and ICW front land will always be High End and generate the highest taxes in Lake Worth,before and after, Stanton and Plotkins's Low End mentality and damaging presence!.

Our too small cheap(Stanton style)Golf Club house size, crippled our Golf Course from generating reveneue with big social events(600=seats is normal for upscale located waterfront ones),
by low brow elements!Obvious lack of social and cultural evolution based vision!

Concentrating on re-creating, our Lake Worth identifying,
high End 1921 Casino,in the expert hands of this quality and Class of work R.E.G,

puts food on the table of our mostly less fortunate families,money for infrastructure repair,
only solution to prevent Bankruptcy!
Vicious personal vendettas of petty Commissions, have kept it from happening since 1950's

Tar and concrete in low end towns,low end thinking does not lift our City out of its' present near bankruptcy, result of mismanagement and condoned stealing!

Cooked books of our Utility Dept.!!!!Stanton fired auditor who discovered this,to protect her new Utility Director, ask Bill Coakly,Chairman of Lake Worth Electric Task Force, every meeting of which I attended!

Dee McNamara,high End taxpayer since 1991 and capable,high End for Lake Worth visionary!

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