Tuesday, June 1, 2010

7 Million re-creation of Lake Worth's 1921 Casino

A proven source of major revenue to pay for road repair and other
infrastructure projects which need restoration.

Plotkin was not present at the bidding process of the 14 Architects, 13 topevel, 1 small who created Lake Worth's record: The First green Foreclosure concrete box, who bid on our casino project. The best bid $7.000.000 came in from the architect REG who had done the 1916 W.Palm Courthouse historic accurate recre-ation(now generating millions tourism and other dollars) buried under concrete like our authentic Lake Worth Casino,.

The original one earned the distinction "Jewel of the Gold Coast".What has Plotkin created with that distinction?????

Plotkin took a figure out of a hat to instigate dissention between Citizens,many of whom understand the need for an economic resource to finance infrastructure and social services,cultural evolution.
A place, Lake Worth culturally and socially evolved Lake Worth Citizens can appreciate and be proud of.

She was not able to suggest one project which could match that one, on Lake Worth's most valuable property: 20 acres Palm Beach Ocean front land" for revenue generation.
Grandstanding about something you know nothing about is ............!

There was a lot of hot air at City Hall tonight.
No one qualifies the charges of Mock Roos which is the most expensive Engineering firm in the County. Our electrical engineer Reyes, who exposed that, was fired by the present Utility Director. The rest was too lazy to check the open market for engineering services we can afford!
Now there is something worth talking about!
We owe $69.000.000 and all checks for that debt goes to Mock Roos so far
without as you saw tonight a commitment to cost of even a few test drilling!
Plotkin pay attention to reality!

Dee McNamara(tax payer since 1991)

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