Sunday, February 28, 2010

15 1/2% of 15.000 registered voters forced a new Commission Chairman on Lake Worth!

Congratulations, suckers! You voted for deception,fed to you by the strongest political Campaign management Company from New Jersy!!!!
They Campaigned for Lois Frankel,Sharon Bock,Comptroller, and Obama, and your new Commission Chairman!

This New Jersey Company with their deceptive flyers,deceptive robocalls,corrupt Fire dept personnel calls(we pay them to fight fire not to play politics for their chosen Candidate,and the head of the Republican Party calls,

professionally vicious character assasination of his opponent, a known respected for many years Citizens of Lake Worth serving gentleman, who spearheaded your Public properties protecting Charter Amendment etc.etc.etc.

This New Jersey Company,got you to vote for what is now occupying our Commission Chairman(Mayoral) seat!!!!Total cost to their Candidate$40.000.+, you went for it, hook line and sinker! I congratulate them and will recommend them to all future nefarious,suspect, candidates!

Lake Worth's not thinkers, indifferent Citizens, subversive sleazy fringe Candidates, with the New Jersey vicious professional character assasins,and deception creators, swallowed all, shoveled whole and stuck the Town with future

Banruptcy due to negligence,corruption, and allround total lack of disciplined oversight.

Greater Bay took us to the cleaners with sanction of Commissions, and devious project manager O'Gorman,assist.City mgr.Hannah, and former City manager,Boyer, and former Commission Chairman
Jeff Clemens with his destructive, incompetent, strong arm trio Vespo,and Lowe!

The new City manager allowed a negligent new Utility Director to have a transformer blown,costing us, $997.000 in out of town repairs and $100.000 transporting out of town to her repair client.
She was allowed to fire our 2 longtime respected, professional Electrical Engineers who could have prevented the blow out.Why is she still Director? How much must DAMAGE must she cost us before someone replaces it with our Certfied Electrical Engineers at a lower cost?

This new City manager who does not know how to make our Olympic size Lake Worth famous swimming pool self sustaining, and maintain it.She therefore wants to destroy OUR swimming pool, used for years, before damage by Greater Bay's subcontractor, for senior water aerobics ,children Teaching to swim,etc..She claims no one uses it!!!!She wants to make it like Largo, where she came from!!! This is Lake Worth, since 1913!Fellow Citizens say something!

Those who used for years(Barbara Aubel for instance) it, please speak up at the Commission meetings, stop the destruction of OUR pool.

Our unsustainable Fire Dept. and Police Dept. pensions and salary increases cannot be corrected because those corrupt Fire fighters helped campaign for the new Commission Chairman, sitting in our Mayoral seat,thanks to New Jersey vicious character assasination tactics, and sleazy fringe Candidates who helped get him in!

The only solution is:dispose of the dysfunctional Administration and save our selves 40% in taxes, so we can live and breathe better.
Commissions and City managers, never collected $5.000.000 for sewage treatment we do, for surrounding towns, and dare to declare a Budget deficit!!!!!

Do we need them? $2.000.000. advertising fees owed us for 2 years never collected since Jeff Clemens disastrous tenure!!!!!
Budget DEFICIT????Not all Lake Worth Citizens are idiots,ask Lynn, Katy etc etc etc!

Dee McNamara

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