Friday, May 28, 2010

American Lake Worth properties lost value by 24 1/2 % in 2010

Real Lake Worth Citizens paid 40, 50 and 60 years of taxes, and have created a City we all live in and enjoyed, till the illegal parasites,leeches and bloodsucking locust, invasion.

Susan Stanton, proud American, started a review of all leases on City properties and found that we rent space for our City offices to function, and illegals and money making socalled religous organizations(read the truth: Weekly collection money- machines)and other clever cons who claim to render services to our Community(ask for a list of thus far given services!!!!!
get our buildings for $1.00 a year.

The Mentor Center for illegals(con artists claim they had Americans in mind) has violated the lease condition unchecked by corrupt employees and Commissioners.
They asked during a Commission meeting,violating the dignity of our City Hall, for bathroom tissue(toilet paper for their illegal a....s!).The building was rehabbed for these illegals, when our 9000 Seniors enjoyed it for recreation within a convenient distance,
delapidating was maintained and insulting our Seniors.

The brazen nerve of that element.Why don't they demand that in their own Country , where their Government is responsible for these invaders,

not we Lake Worth legitimate Citizens!

Lake Worth commission(which claims to represent us):

Tell their own Governments to give them jobs, unemployment, well fare free hospital treatments food stamps!

Don't sit in our Commission seats and give OUR not your personal City away!
Rabid primitive liars and instigators put you there without record of service to the City!

As Susan Stanton, this time rationally states: we are entitled to fair market value leases!!!Suckers,you put those, who are giving away our City , in that position!

When that illegal element moves into you neighborhood ,does your property value increase?
You heard at City Hall how they relieve themselves in the streets and sidewalks.16 of them, to one room ,1 toilet cannot serve them all, so !!!!!!

We already lost 50% of our property values!
The Commission has sworn to better our quality of life!!!!!!!!

What exactly have they done to our quality of life allowing almost 12000 illegal aliens to take possesion of part of our City, and services we pay for,while having done nothing to build it!
The Commission allows them to just take what they want and caused a $2.500.000 budget deficit, and robbed to give away, our safety Fund,our Reserve fund!Susan Stanton(too long winded,but necessary)discovered this. What did the previous flakes do here ??
Fellow Citizens, vote not for what rabid, self serving, instigators tell you to, but for the proven conscietious, City serving Citizens to run our City.

Dee McNamara,legal property owner since 1991!Paying full taxes!

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