Lake Worth was forced by Jeff Clemens and his 2 strongarm buddies ,former occupants of Lake Worth City Commission seats,Vespo and Lowe,by signing a Contract without reading it, to force Lake Worth Citizens to pay the County $34.000.000 to purchase recycled sewage,toilet water,industrial waste water for our drinking water!!!! and pipes ,we already have to duplicate the charges to us,He intended to run for State Representative and was currying favor with the mostly corrupt County.
Steve Abrams was partners with a many billion dollars Ponzi scheme embezzler of innocent elederly and trusting Citizens, and is now County Commissioners, near our 2 billion dollars tax money!!!Hahahahahahahahahah suckers, he claims to have known nothing about their business!Hahahaha!!!! Is he 3 years old?
I wittnessed a County Watermanagement
Board session where they disclosed to have lost their $36.000.000.- reserve funds.(They build pipes to nowhere etc.)with no explanation!!!!
A County snake oil sales man and gang offered Lake Worth Commission a predatory recycled County Water purchase Contract and then occupant of our Mayoral Seat Clemens,
immediately signed it under protest of Comm.Mulvehill and Jennings, out voted 3 to 2.
We had just spent $14.000.000 on 3 wells for pure drinking water, a Reverse Osmoses
plant to secure Lake Worth water independance!
The County sneaked around our wells and wanted to buy them to strangle us with their recycled undetermined liquid!
A new trio of Commissioners, Mulvehill ,Golden and Jennings saw the real reason behind this Contract of the County Watermanagement Board and negotiated to terminate their odious predatory Contract.
After fining all Lake Worth Citizens $5,000,000 for
Jeff Clemens'adhesion
Contract to harm Lake Worth and benefit himself politically ,the County terminated
the predatory County Contract,
with 3 years obligated County water purchases!
This down negotiated Contract was Comm Mulvehills' idea, instead of owing $34,000,000.-
Clemens, dismissed from many Boards and jobs? now wants to have more position to destroy more quality of more lives.
Vote for a Tax Payers-serving clean Candidate, not an artificially propped up questionable loser!Let him pay the $5,000,000!
There is a long history of more destructive votes with his strongarm buddies , i.e., $60.000.000 no-bidding Contracts to Companies of their choice!Kickback? Remember Palm Beach Public Works?
Lake Worth is now going bankrupt!
The Emergency Reserve Fund is stolen,Beach Fund ditto,and the Undesignated fund robbed, all on no bidding Contacts and illegal aliens!.
City Investments are hidden, not for public(owners of that money) knowledge! How much was stolen who reaped the dividends?????
but a $2.500.000 deficit is left us to deny us services we paid for!
Taxation without representation left, indicates inaptitude of Lake Worth Administration to run the City efficiently. Annexation to the mainly corrupt County is the way out for us. Non political Volunteer Police members and non political volunteer Fire fighters is the solution for tax reduction by more than 40%.
Get rid of all the leeches,parasites and bloodsuckers of our social system!
Why did the Commission and City manager and Sewage Dept Head not collect the $27,000,000,- negotiated down to $13,500,000,- by the 7 surroundinng Towns we providedsewage treament for since 1997?We paid salaries ,benefits, vacation pay during those years. The Commission and the City manager are sitting and laughing at the Citizens suckers,that.....element that got into office with lies and subterfuge, besides Suzanne Mulvehill!
Why did nobody collect $9,000,000,- in unpaid Code Enforcement fines over the last years? We paid their salaries!!!!!
Why are they sitting on our taxpayers paid for Dias?
Dee McNamara, tax payer since 1991!
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