Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lake Worth Fire & Police Dept Unions,forced new Commission Chairman on Lake Worth Citizens!

One year prior to the L.W Elections
Lake Worth new Commission Chairman, lobbied secretly
the Police and Fire Dept. Unions for support of his election!What was promised?
Unsustainable pensions and annual salary increases? What else?
Behold Lois Frankel,dispensing a dose of reality to the Unions.
We have treachery in its' place by the Administration!

During the Campaign, Lake Worth Fire fighters used their overpaid positions,paid for with OUR tax money to make phone calls for their chosen Candidate,the present L.W Commission Chairman, to SWAY our Citizens AWAY from the long time Citzens interests advocate, honest ,honorable Candidate,Laurence McNamara!
A tax payer since 1991 contributing to the salaries of those treacherous phone callers.Treachery is a result of poor upbringing by improper family back ground!
Ask Margaret Mead!Honor is part of good family upbringing,like Laurence has shown!

Unethical,misuse of the fiduciary duties of a Fireman,it's use for Political purposes, to knee cap,contributor of Lake Worth,"Public Land Public Vote", Charter Amendment,etc. Laurence McNamara's Campaign,
is reason for the new Ethics Commission's investigation.

If there is one honest Union member they will disclose these actions and publicly state how they violated the mission of their job,paid for by us, and correct those.

Most small Towns in America have voluntary Firefighters!
Laurence Mcnamara was one for 5 years, ,a credit kneecapped by denial, by their Union.
Why should they get raises? For playing dirty politics?
I, Dee McNamara want my money back, paid to that treacherous element since 1991 !!!!!

Let Lake Worth form a Voluntary Fire Dept.!!!!Loyal Citizens aplenty to do this!
That will really bring down our taxes substantially!!!Not phony Campaign promises and lies.They are not all needed 24 hours ,7 days a week.How many fires take place, unless to kneecap a voluntary fire Dept. they set them?

Did you like your last Utility Bill??Scott Maxwell is one of the reasons you have been getting them!!!!

And you voted against honorable Laurence McNamara who has been fighting the extortionate Contract with crippling rates for years,theft of our Beach,etc., but beaten by Clemens, Vespo(now on your Chamber Board,HaHaHa), and Retha Lowe!

The contract would have been terminated years ago, according to Laurence's advice,as he has read that Contract, not one Commission member who signed us into it, read it.!

Vote for the next phony hot air and promises Candidate, or the least qualified, but with a primitive, vicious gossip group, back up whithout any respect for Lake Worth!!!!!!
Especially the one who hates all Americans and calls them all racists at Commission meetings publicly!Kneel for him!

Dee McNamara

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