Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rosow's Communist take of Palm Beach?

Public servant Rosow objects to members of the Palm Beach Landmarks Preservation Commission and all other Boards donating to Palm Beach Preservation organizations.
They must genuflect for him to the Sterling Group and violate Palm Beach Laws. They only can support what he approves, like in Communist Countries.
Does he originate from one of those Countries? This is free America!

Sterling's application flies in the face of the 1979 Palm Beach Covenant, Rosow knows well, but Rosow ignores. He favors the Sterling Group, knowing the Conditions mandated by Palm Beach 1979 Covenant,which he as a Council member should uphold.
Acknowledging of which, by the Landmarks Preservation Commission would violate their mission, and the 1979 Covenant.

Rosow proves to be a hypocrite who for political reasons supported it during the Election Campaigns.He is obviously not a real Palm Beacher!

Rosow is evidently for that violation, as he wants to dictate what is allowed and what not in Palm Beach , for all Palm Beach Tax payers.

The presumption of this character, who places himself above the people he is supposed to serve, not dictate, is ludicrous.It shows lack of breeding!

David Rosow ,is a public servant,who does not know his place ,which is to uphold Palm Beach Laws,Covenants with the respectful behaviour of a public servant. You must await the pleasure of all Tax payers of Palm Beach,not dictate them,like in the case of well bred GENTLEMAN Cooley. You obviously do not know what that is!

40% of Palm Beach voters,did not vote for you,but for the refined,brilliant,elegant Cynthia Simonson, the consummate Palm Beacher!
You do well to put that above your bed and read that every morning, and then put on your public servant suit and mind ,then act!

It is Palm Beach, not Rosow Beach or Munder Beach,neither one of you are Henry Flagler and never will be.

Palm Beach Council used to be occupied by wellbred ,refined, cultured Gentlemen
not by raunchy street fighter types who side with greedy speculators and developers,as three are now!

Stop obfuscating the 1979 Covenant issue, we all know you raunchy Council members, hate the refined cultured environment of Palm Beach Henry Flagler and his daughter in 1959 as a Museum for all Palm Beach and the world, have left for all civilized,cultured, well bred next generations!

You,Kleid and Coniglio want to make Royal Poinciana Way into a Dixie Highway extended shopping strip with Fast food coffeeshops on either side of the Bridge.

Palm Beach has a Palm Beach Council, not Munder Council as Rosow and KLeid are trying to make it. Get out of town to a place where your element belongs!
Mrs. Mcnamara

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