Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lake Worth Citizens:no swimming pool use:CLOSED

Another service taken away from Lake Worth Tax payers:
Reason: Total lack of oversight of restoration job by 3 Commission members,Clemens,Vespo and Retha Lowe of their in my opinion,speculator, Greater Bay Co, who approved the partial restoration job of our pool for a full restoration, CHEATING THE COUNTY,but we had to pay for full restoration with $28.000.- cost overrun!Immediate stripes and other important corrections after opening ,we paid $80.000.-Budgeted was $400.000.-

They and the rest triumphantly, celebrated the reopening of the incomplete pool rehabilitation job as complete!!!!

Was there one responsible Commissioner, who checked our pump house?Above ground, dangerous equipment?
And payment of a City appointed Project manager O'Gorman, at $90.- per hour for months of what?????Was not even at the last inspection!!!

Last night, Public Works' thorough Joe Kroll, showed with horrifying pictorial evidence, after his inspection, that Greater Bay did not finish the job,but left us with a dangerous pumphouse, where electrical wiring was housed in rusty insulation,the pump ready to burst, and outdoor dangerous equipment supposed to be underground,the concrete of the ceiling was falling down and the walls about to collapse!Clemens and gang did not see that?1922 Contractors took pride in their work!
Not 1950 and on!
To prevent disaster and make all necessary repairs, of Citizens swimming pool $150.000.- is required and the pool closed indefinitely!No time line was given!

When illegal aliens were given our Seniors' Shuffleboard Court for $1.00 a year,, the Commission immediately voted $150.000 of OUR UNDESIGNATED FUND(our taxmoney) to make repairs on the Shuffleboard Court so that the illegal aliens(legal definition) would be safe,comfortable with new toilets,roof, windows computers etc.(not our Seniors), when supposed to be leaving our Lake and Lucerne Avenues, free from a third world entrance appearance to their new gathering place OUR Senior's 7000 Sq.Ft. Shuffleboard Court given to them for $1.00 a
year, to further move the City towards bankruptcy!

Our Citizens' paid for, unfinished swimming pool, needs $150.000.- for repairs,an expense due to administrative GROSS NEGLIGENCE and phony boasting that our pool had been beautifully completely restored.No starting blocs, no diving tower, no olympic meets as promised,stripes wrong direction, after Clemens,Vespo and Lowe style restoration!!!What happens shut Citizens out from use of their pool!
None of the promises were kept.

Removing this disfunctional Administration and replacing it,with 4 necessary Offices,would save us Citizens 40% taxes!
How long will the Citizens allow the wrong element to squander our money with corrupt waived bidding Contracts,unexplained loss of our housing stock,a loss of millions?????Corrupt decisions by employees without checking costs???10th rehab.ave.North,no competitive bid $8.600.000job!!!
Costing us more than double than, if put out for competitive bidding in this economy?

All Contractors are cutting their prices adjusting to the economic downturn.Lake Worth Citizens are forced to pay more than double for all jobs, with waived biddings of the Commissions without checking true costs!!!

Citizens get what they vote for !This is just one aspect of the down hill run of Lake Worth,if allowed to continue!
False promises, and boasts will be fed to you, look at the facts not phony rosy picture of another well run town!! Crime is back up, due to raging unemployment,taxes are up(highest millige rate),etc,etc.

How do you like your Utility bills since the new gang got in, with empty promises?
Will you allow this to continue???Campaigns promised immediate reduction!!HaHaHa!

Dee McNamara

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