Thursday, February 4, 2010

Without fundamental components Lake Worth no loner a City!

The present Commission and City manager have announced : less services, more taxes and shut up!It is their City.

A dishonest gang with Realtors and a lawyer have put the latest additon of the Lake Worth Deficit Commissions Gang in place.

The only ones gaining are those Realtors and Lawyer-profiteers.The apathy and treachery of a few so called friendly to an honest Candidate Lake Worth Citizens have helped this process along.Congratulations!
Fellow Lake Worth Citizens;

When we dispose of this proven disfunctional, corrupt, administratio, we save ourselves at least 40% in taxes.

The corrupt, incompetent, callous,selfserving Commission gangs have lost us our Police Department,established in 1913 by loyal real Lake Worth Citizens,with a loss of $15.000.000.- payable in 7% increments to the County,with its' Commission of convicts and Rothstein(Ponzi schemer partner)member.

The same Gangs have lost us our Fire Dept. while still paying for it with outrageous Lake Worth financially crippling Pension Plans, encouraged by a rabid former TRN member,anti Lake Worth.

Why do we not have a volunteer Fire fighter force as all small towns have? Laurence was a volunteer firefighter for 5 years.Could not be Chief because he was teaching,
full time.

The same callous,selfserving ego driven Commission Gangs have lost us our properties with rental potential of approx.$250.000.- annually.
Their solution is the brazen command that Citizens not speak on our business and problems, but pay more taxes with cuts of our services, so thattheir salaries are not effected.
Those Citizens who allow thiscorrupt, rude, primitive street fighter type behaviour of the Administration, against us tax payers, deserve it!

Dissolution of this disfunctional(say other towns)out of Control Administration is best for the real loyal Lake Worth taxpayers. It will reduce our taxes by 40%!

How long will you all allow corruption,robbery with waived bidding Contracts for millions of our money,
undisciplined action to continue to run our City?

Dee McNamara

City ?

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