Thursday, February 4, 2010

Office of Budget Management

Our budget is now in the hands of the purchasing agent Mike McManaman, who with his former associate Rachel Bach admitted to have suppressed 33 responses to a City RFP,as they disclosed by chance at ameeting.What else has been hidden? Our money is involved, not to be spent, without thorough questioning of each expenditure!

An employee whom we never saw a performance report of, in 9 years. During the unnecessary electric conversion we never found out where the replaced million dollars of copper wire went, .When was an inventory presented to the Commission of stock kept for replacement of Utility equipment, building,public works materials, office supplies etc.etc.?How many duplicate orders went through the Consent Agenda for materials already in stock.Excuses are reason for firing and replacement.

Who made him Budget manager? Why do we have a deficit?Who authorized the expenditure of $650.000.- and $347.000 for repair of our blown transformer?By whom?
Why did he not have the insurance pay for it? Budget management? With a budget deficit? How many waived bidding orders did he present to the Commission for the Consent agenda?Who questioned these waived bidding submissions?Who questioned those

The City manager,here barely 10 months, was asked for a performance report.A corrupt gang cooked that one up, as she is uncorruptable!Did she check the purchasing Dept. history,performance, inventories over the years I never saw while attending all meetings?Did the City manager? Her weekly reports are the first complete informative City business instrument, not invented by the 5 Commission members who were prior to that uninformed on all Depts. status.

The Citizens are entitled to a performance report and inventories from McManaman over the past 7 years!!!!!
Dee McNamara

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