Monday, May 31, 2010

Re-creation of Lake Worth 1921,35000 sq.ft.

The historically accurate re- creation of Lake Worth 1921 Casino has finally been assigned 2 month ago, to R.E.G.,Rick Gonzalez ' Co. which re-created historically accurate, West Palm Beach 1916 Court House!It now generates millions from tourism and well marketed
resulting products!Souvenirs,postcards jewelry etc.etc. It takes vision not conceited simpletons!

What and who is holding,i.e. sabotaging the work on this small job, the only project which will generate revenue for Lake Worth, up ????

This Commmission was just forced by Jeff Clemens who signed a 40 year predatory Contract for re-cycled sewage,industrial waste,toilet run offs etc . drinking water, to terminate this harmful County(the one with Criminal Commissioners) Contract, at a Cost to us Citizens of $5,000,000.-.

Result, deficit of $2,500,000,-!Empty Emergency Reserve Fund, Beach Fund, Undesignated fund all empty, how is that possible with afiscally responsible Commission and emplyees?

Honest, real Citizens of Lake Worth do not believe in fairie tales!!!!!

Is this Commission expediting this Re-creation of the only resource generator?
When will Rick Gonzalez be able to put the shuffle in the earth to start?
It is a simple question!

The New York Empire State building,25,000,000 sq.ft and 102 stories high
was built in one year 1927-1928!

How much time does this Commission under Chairman Varela need to do the 35,000 sq ft. job with how mna burocratizing delays by his City Manager?

Is the Commission in charge or is the City manager their Boss, who has been burocratizing this so far for a year, allowing a $2.500.000 Deficit and stopping progress!
How many waived bidding Contracts and purchases ahs she allowed, making us lose money by avoiding lower costs on the open market???Allowing a Utility Director to cause a $1,000,000.- damage to our Electric system's transformer?Sending it out of town to spend our money out of Town.

Fellow Citizens wake up ! React!

A Commission can direct all employees,including the City Manager if she burocratizes it to stop its' progress,
to give this top priority as proof that this Commission represents the interests , quality of life of Lake Worth Tax and salary payers!!!!!

The Lake Worth Utility is being robbed by millions in unquestioned,waived bidding purchases and job Contracts out of town!

Lake Worth Utility, has a $69,000,000.- outstanding Debt which the present Utility Director does not seem to acknowledge!
We pay $1,000,000.- a year interest!

The previous purchasing agent who did waived and unquestioned and hidden RFP responses and purchases and job orders has now joined our CRA.
Bravo, lead them by the nose!

He is there, now that we received $23,000,000.- grant for restoration of historic Lake Worth housing,to retain its' character and affordable housing,roads,sidewalks repairs( one which caused my injurious fall, was repaired) one of many neglected broken and raised ones) etc.Shade trees hopefully!

Jeff Clemens,with his strongarm buddies Dave Vespo and Retha Lowe(of Sun Recycling fame!) signed away all our waste water, knowing nothing about it, and how to manage it.
We now have to use drinking water to water our Parks,Golf Course, cool Generators cleaning buildings etc.

Dee McNamara, Business woman, tax payer since 1991!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

where is Lake Worth's Investments list???

Lake Worth Finance Dept. never informed the Citizens what our money was invested in! How much dividends did we get???Who makes our investments? Which market genius is given this broad right? At what Commission? Was this compared at the open market?

The administrations never put our investments out for bid. They favored one Bonds man Rick Miller and he determines how much interest we must pay on loans, bonds.

Why are we told we are bankrupt? Reserve Fund depleted, Emergency Fund gone, Beach Fund gone, Undesignated fund emptied partly for illegal alien parasites, locust!

At the next Commission meeting we must have this information and why our investments are a secret given to one outsider!Who and with what qualification standards?

The new finance Committe with honest finance and business savvy members needs this information too, to be able to give a fact based opinion and advice to the waived bidding Commission, who prevents us from getting lower charges for our Contracts for our jobs.

Dee McNamara, Tax payer since 1991!

Lake Worth Pier restoration after Wilma,Frances and Jeannie.

During those hurricanes Marc Drautz was Mayor of Lake Worth.
A great part of our Pier was blown away. Marc Drautz immediately negotiated a repair grant from FEEMA and succeeded in obtaining $2,000,000.- for that purpose.He immediately had the replacement and restoration put into work.

The restoration was finished just after his term and Jeff Clemens managed to get the Mayoral seat, after which the opening of the new updated and renovated Lake Worth
took place. Clemens happened to be there and claims to have made the restoration of the partly disappeared Lake Worth Pier happen, being instrumental in its reopening !

A brazen lie, what other lies are being bandied about? Once a liar always a liar and dangerous because it shows a lack of conscience!
I shall verify the so-called great things he alledges to have done for Lake Worth.
He caused us to lose our Police Dept. unable to manage it! Established 1913.

He caused us the loss of our Fire Dept. because of inability to manage it.
We now must pay the County exorbitant salaries and pension Funds, crippling Lake Worth economically!

There are many more truths proving total incompetence and questionable character?

Do not take credit for something you did not achieve, that is called lying!
We have enough rotten apples in Government!

Dee McNamara, County tax payer since 1991!

Cause of Lake Worth 2.500.000 Deficit

Lake Worth was forced by Jeff Clemens and his 2 strongarm buddies ,former occupants of Lake Worth City Commission seats,Vespo and Lowe,by signing a Contract without reading it, to force Lake Worth Citizens to pay the County $34.000.000 to purchase recycled sewage,toilet water,industrial waste water for our drinking water!!!! and pipes ,we already have to duplicate the charges to us,He intended to run for State Representative and was currying favor with the mostly corrupt County.
Steve Abrams was partners with a many billion dollars Ponzi scheme embezzler of innocent elederly and trusting Citizens, and is now County Commissioners, near our 2 billion dollars tax money!!!Hahahahahahahahahah suckers, he claims to have known nothing about their business!Hahahaha!!!! Is he 3 years old?
I wittnessed a County Watermanagement
Board session where they disclosed to have lost their $36.000.000.- reserve funds.(They build pipes to nowhere etc.)with no explanation!!!!

A County snake oil sales man and gang offered Lake Worth Commission a predatory recycled County Water purchase Contract and then occupant of our Mayoral Seat Clemens,
immediately signed it under protest of Comm.Mulvehill and Jennings, out voted 3 to 2.
We had just spent $14.000.000 on 3 wells for pure drinking water, a Reverse Osmoses
plant to secure Lake Worth water independance!
The County sneaked around our wells and wanted to buy them to strangle us with their recycled undetermined liquid!

A new trio of Commissioners, Mulvehill ,Golden and Jennings saw the real reason behind this Contract of the County Watermanagement Board and negotiated to terminate their odious predatory Contract.

After fining all Lake Worth Citizens $5,000,000 for
Jeff Clemens'adhesion
Contract to harm Lake Worth and benefit himself politically ,the County terminated

the predatory County Contract,
with 3 years obligated County water purchases!
This down negotiated Contract was Comm Mulvehills' idea, instead of owing $34,000,000.-

Clemens, dismissed from many Boards and jobs? now wants to have more position to destroy more quality of more lives.

Vote for a Tax Payers-serving clean Candidate, not an artificially propped up questionable loser!Let him pay the $5,000,000!
There is a long history of more destructive votes with his strongarm buddies , i.e., $60.000.000 no-bidding Contracts to Companies of their choice!Kickback? Remember Palm Beach Public Works?
Lake Worth is now going bankrupt!
The Emergency Reserve Fund is stolen,Beach Fund ditto,and the Undesignated fund robbed, all on no bidding Contacts and illegal aliens!.
City Investments are hidden, not for public(owners of that money) knowledge! How much was stolen who reaped the dividends?????

but a $2.500.000 deficit is left us to deny us services we paid for!

Taxation without representation left, indicates inaptitude of Lake Worth Administration to run the City efficiently. Annexation to the mainly corrupt County is the way out for us. Non political Volunteer Police members and non political volunteer Fire fighters is the solution for tax reduction by more than 40%.
Get rid of all the leeches,parasites and bloodsuckers of our social system!
Why did the Commission and City manager and Sewage Dept Head not collect the $27,000,000,- negotiated down to $13,500,000,- by the 7 surroundinng Towns we providedsewage treament for since 1997?We paid salaries ,benefits, vacation pay during those years. The Commission and the City manager are sitting and laughing at the Citizens suckers,that.....element that got into office with lies and subterfuge, besides Suzanne Mulvehill!
Why did nobody collect $9,000,000,- in unpaid Code Enforcement fines over the last years? We paid their salaries!!!!!
Why are they sitting on our taxpayers paid for Dias?

Dee McNamara, tax payer since 1991!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why was list of our City investments never shown ?

Lake Worth Finance Department presents a budget, with $2.500.000 deficit ,but no list of investments! No dividends? The new Utility Director stated in the paper that Lake Worth utility is Debt Free!!!!!

Every real Lake Worth Citizen knows that we borrowed(during Romano tenure)$69.000.000 with a 30 year loan. Rick Miller will give the details. we have a $1000.000 debt payment per year! To upgrade our Utility system and create our Reverse Osmoses plant with three wells.Did the finance Dept. keep up payments?
The Director finds a debt free Lake Worth Utility! How is that possible?

In the budgets no amounts were mentioned, how much we paid for rehabbing our Shuffle Board Court! What exactly did we pay for that we did not want to do for our 9000 Senior Citizens?
The Mentor Center rented out our Shuffleboard Court for parties and were discovered making money by chance by a watchful Citizen. They pay $1.00 per year and rent it out per party, like the Breakers does?For how much and why was the City not informed of this illegal activity? Because they are illegal they can do illegal things?
How many drug dealers have infiltrated our Court? Let us not be naive!
With unemployment at todays' level?
Why is that illegals meeting place still open. Any breach of the lease is reason to close it down and return it to Lake Worth Citizens and offices which need a good space in the Center of Town?

Dee McNamara, taxpayer since 1991

Lake Worth Mis-Administration has Lake Worth close to bankruptcy

The Lake Worth Commission has disenfranchised our 9000 Seniors of their close to home Recreation Center, 12000 sq.ft with approx 43 parking spaces for $85.00 a month to
Compass, which claimed to contribute social services to Lake Worth indigent. They own a building on Dixie Highway which is rented out for how much? No Commissioner bothered to inquire!!!No list of services in the year they occupied our Senior Center was ever able to be submitted!

That constitutes violation of our cheap, con based lease!
The present Commission just agreed to saddle us with a $250.000 loan for these leeches,to do elaborate remodeling for THEIR needs. They want a glamorous Club House.An AIDS suffering Citizen who ran out of his Meds was hung up on when he asked for help!Mark Parillo speak up friend!

This shows the Commission threw our 9000 Seniors out for a Social meeting place for those who own property and never did anything for Lake Worth.
When our Seniors used it ,they were not given any mainteneance,no rehab of deteriorated wiring and building parts. These 9000 taxpayers since 1912 were shown the door to hell for all Commissioners cared!

This Commission gave Publix a $32.0000.0000.000.-,thirty two billion dollar Co.
$500.000 of our money (needed for the Beach)instead of asking for infrastructure repairs, or at least shade trees, or sidewalk repairs!
These pathetic little Commissioners you elected, played Big Shot to Publix!

Bravo rabid primitive instigators, who put them in a postion to bankrupt our City!

Susan Stanton allowed the new Utility Director,Mattey, to cause a $997.000
blowout of one of our transformers by her plant manager,our former janitor.This after Mattey immediately fired 2 whistleblowers, our 2 legitimate ,best Certified Electrical Engineers, Reyes and Jordan, who used to do repairs in house. This new director sent the damaged transformer out of Town for repairs at a cost to us for $100.000.-.(We are now being sued)
instead of allowing our money to be spent in our Town on Lake Worth Electrical Engineers, unemployed!!!!
Utility Director wasted $1000.000 ,Commission gave away $500.000 and $250.000
to Compass an out of town property owner, Copmmissioners voted for Millions in consultants fees and nefarious engineering services, never qualified out of laziness, emptying our Reserve Emergency Fund!We have a $2.500.000 budget deficit!

Our only Commissioner with an MBA ,a business woman, is aware that we are on our way to bankruptcy. You rabid primitive instigators who put this Commission in place helped to practice this raging fiscal irresponsibility!Maxwell keeps attacking her for her business savvy.
It is time to annex to the County with its'share Commission convicts and save ourselves 40% TAXES.

American Lake Worth properties lost value by 24 1/2 % in 2010

Real Lake Worth Citizens paid 40, 50 and 60 years of taxes, and have created a City we all live in and enjoyed, till the illegal parasites,leeches and bloodsucking locust, invasion.

Susan Stanton, proud American, started a review of all leases on City properties and found that we rent space for our City offices to function, and illegals and money making socalled religous organizations(read the truth: Weekly collection money- machines)and other clever cons who claim to render services to our Community(ask for a list of thus far given services!!!!!
get our buildings for $1.00 a year.

The Mentor Center for illegals(con artists claim they had Americans in mind) has violated the lease condition unchecked by corrupt employees and Commissioners.
They asked during a Commission meeting,violating the dignity of our City Hall, for bathroom tissue(toilet paper for their illegal a....s!).The building was rehabbed for these illegals, when our 9000 Seniors enjoyed it for recreation within a convenient distance,
delapidating was maintained and insulting our Seniors.

The brazen nerve of that element.Why don't they demand that in their own Country , where their Government is responsible for these invaders,

not we Lake Worth legitimate Citizens!

Lake Worth commission(which claims to represent us):

Tell their own Governments to give them jobs, unemployment, well fare free hospital treatments food stamps!

Don't sit in our Commission seats and give OUR not your personal City away!
Rabid primitive liars and instigators put you there without record of service to the City!

As Susan Stanton, this time rationally states: we are entitled to fair market value leases!!!Suckers,you put those, who are giving away our City , in that position!

When that illegal element moves into you neighborhood ,does your property value increase?
You heard at City Hall how they relieve themselves in the streets and sidewalks.16 of them, to one room ,1 toilet cannot serve them all, so !!!!!!

We already lost 50% of our property values!
The Commission has sworn to better our quality of life!!!!!!!!

What exactly have they done to our quality of life allowing almost 12000 illegal aliens to take possesion of part of our City, and services we pay for,while having done nothing to build it!
The Commission allows them to just take what they want and caused a $2.500.000 budget deficit, and robbed to give away, our safety Fund,our Reserve fund!Susan Stanton(too long winded,but necessary)discovered this. What did the previous flakes do here ??
Fellow Citizens, vote not for what rabid, self serving, instigators tell you to, but for the proven conscietious, City serving Citizens to run our City.

Dee McNamara,legal property owner since 1991!Paying full taxes!