Saturday, July 3, 2010

My 10th application for uncorrupt City Board membership

Florida Statutes mandate that members of a Cross Section of the Municipality be placed on City Boards,among which 1 realtor. I am a realtor since 1985!Impartial and with knowledge of the City Functions, and of every act showing mismanagement of our Finances and properties and of all 17 Departments, I applied again.

Denied because I expose all City Administration neglectful and partial dishonest wrong doing ,causing ,City properties to disappear without record of who stole them,

Lake Worth Finance Depart which had no books in balance, handling our tax money etc.etc.I am labeled Confrontational for exposing the truth at all Commission meetings.Warned to shut up about all irregularities in City administration!!!
They are talking about my money too!

Planning and Zoning Board had no list of City owned properties,one such given to a Planning and Zoning Board member Spinelli, 604 Lake Avenue for $70.000.-!!!!
A large lucrative Central Downtown Commercial Building,
no record of seized and sold properties by Code enforcement and Police Dept.

Given away 7000 sq.ft building,recreational facility for our kicked out, 9000 American Senior Citizens, for $1.00 a year to illegal aliens covered up with lies by City Commission, of their true purpose.

These illegal aliens were allowed to rent that space out for private functions and kept all the money,making Lake Worth Citizens suckers.
It is now a gathering place for illegal loiterers, ,who receive free breakfast,not American homeless and unemployed!
These demanded bathroom tissue supply for their illegal.....!at a City Hall Commission meeting!What idiots Lake Worth Tax payers are being made out to be, by the Commission, with one exception,Citizens Commissioner Mulvehill who protested all ilegal actions against Citizens!She saved us millions undone by her coleagues! The gall!

Why not City Commission allowed all their illegal activties!

Illegal concentration in our City Center has increased crime,(no more jobs!!!) drugdealing and prostitution.The latters' service was offered for $3.00 per procedure I learned, one such creature sollicited at Publix!
What elegant,refined cultural contribution.

Our Senior Center ,12.000 sq, ft with 40 parking spaces, given to an out of Town, Social organization Compass, which owns a building on Dixie Hwy.for $85.00 per month.9000 American Seniors kicked out of this building for this purpose.The Commission then signed a $250,000 loan with our liability, for their remodeling according to their social needs. We have seniors who live way below poverty level,get no aid.,only illegal aliens and Compass people.

The famous City manager Stanton and Varela prefer meetings to be held in that unsuited for official meetings, Lake Worth Compass Social Hall over in our City Hall or Golf Course Clubhouse!( Compass Members after his hot air speeches,voted for him!)

I am not allowed a vote on any Board as no truth(Controversial)
is permitted to be disclosed to my fellow Citizens.
The reasons for budget deficits is covered up with duplicity,voodoo financial budget statements.
No one is allowed to question any odiferous items, by Varela and the City manger Stanton.
This employee declares all meetings WORKSHOPS to forbid Citizens' input or questions about irregularities, as in the Rachlin Audit exposed!They were immediately fired!

We Citzens must shut up about the tax increase,(now 10%) highest in the County, result of the Administration inability to produce revenue generating projects,but sabotaging those, which I CAN!

But am not allowed.I wanted a standard $25.000.- Small Business Grant, to create Cottage Industry, from the CRA, and was summarily denied. Spinelli, their buddy, on a Board more then 10 years not allowed to be replaced!, was given $20.000.- to paint his City given $70.000.- building at 604 Central Downtown Lake Avenue!

Koolik,owner of the Lucerne Condo building, was given $1,200,000.- tax exemption for his condos on our Lake Avenue by the CRA. I asked for $25.000 to establish an industry with employement and rental, in Lake Worth and was told we have no money.

Only buddies get,$25.000 including one student with rich parents!!!!!!!We have a budget deficit and cut services!
When we annex to the questionable County we save 40% in taxes!

Dee McNamara, 10 Citizens' interests Advocate!

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