To help create progress for Lake Worth the Brelsfords of Palm Beach, gave Lake Worth in 1920, our Beach front land on Palm Beach Island, now worth a billion dollars.
The first Commission, visionaries of a high level, created progress for all Lake Worth, knew that such valuable land was worthy of creation of a magnificent Casino building to create revenue intrinsic to the land value they built it on.
It united the Pioneers(Founders) Community and gave them a reason for pride of the Town.
That Commission improved the quality of life of Lake Worth Tax payers.
Not with cheap,chiseling, substandard nowhere-architecture, as suited for inferior land areas selected by losers!!
3 Present Commission members dictated by the new Largo City manager, believe in the
Bp oil Co. policies,
get the cheapest, tacky, unappealing (foreclosure) construction company,for our expensive Beach land, to create ugliness that secures NO revenue for Lake Worth. blocking the potential of our Palm Beach island valuable Ocean Beach land!
A first Class expert Co. REG architects, which won the job in our bidding process is being underhandedly robbed by the subversives, with alretering his Contract behind his back by the proponents of a shabby Lake Worth guided by the new City manager Stanton of waived bidding for Utility millions in Contracts!
PB chose for a Blow-preventer Chamber, the cheapest constrcution Company which created the so-called security chamber.Substandard material caused the explosion the Gulf residents now must enjoy!
We now have 55 days of oil flooding the residents of the Gulf!. Do not go for the cheapest!
Innovation can raise the money,sneaky idiots cannot!
The present City manager has that quality of mind and convinces her surrouding simple people, that to make money one must NOT spend money, even on a Palm Beach Island Ocean front beach land!!!!where revenue is guaranteed if handled by professional people!
Undermine the already low level of the quality of life of Lake Worth Citizens,result of previous primitive Commission members,
i.e.Jeff Clemens caused us a $5,000,000.- debt to terminate the predatory unread by him, Contract he signed for the County questionable water.He gave away all our waste water,now golf course and parks must enjoy drinking water!!!!
The Lake Worth Commission of 1920 understood the Jewel Lake Worth now owns and wanted the best,most appealing glamorous Mediterranean style building, for Lake Worth and its' Citizens.That attracts people with large disposible income!Raises our quality of living. Generates revenue to create
the needed infrastructure without going into debt!Their high mental level achieved this!
Lake Worth present City manager wants to do the opposite and suckered 3 primitive Commission members to go along with her!She allowes waived bidding of all purchases,Contracts per Consent(NO qualification of reason and prices)Agenda with our money, a sure way to stealing and bankruptcy!
Since the 1950's we have had the misfortune of getting petty, self serving egos of small people with small ideas to make certain that Lake Worth will not generate revenue according to the potential of our valuable land on the Ocean!
Witness the poverty with resulting Lake Worth raging crime and drugdealing centers, they are creating with underhandedly giving away City owned properties instead of sales for the General Fund. All Reserve Funds disappeared!
Bob Weisman, help us!
Let us annex to the County and save us 40%taxes!
Dee McNamara, Lake Worth tax payer and visionary since 1991
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