Thursday, December 3, 2009

defamatory,libelous post cards sent to all Lake Worth Citzens about Laurence McNamara, while Mayor Candidate

A first in Lake Worth election history:

Lake Worth Utility Dept. mailed, to force acceptance of their choice of Candidate from Miami,here barely 2 years, to all Lake Worth voters:

Slanderous,libelous and defamatory statements about legitimately, with proven record qualified Mayoral Candidate: Laurence McNamara.

This to destroy his clean above board campaign,to cause him economic harm,damage his reputation, cause mental anguish as any honest properly brought up human would suffer,from such an unusually vicious assault, and for ever damage the legacy of his 3 children and 6 grandchildren who will all read this inhuman material,

Laurence has never said anything bad about anybody, result of his good breeding,

contrary to the human sewage which engages in the above sleazy practices.
Water again seeks it's own level.

Fear for an honest Mayor, I am reported by Citizens, has Lake Worth Fire Dept. employees making robo calls to unsuspecting Citizens, spreading lies about Laurence McNamara.

When in May Laurence asked Commissioner Jennings(elected with 4,500 votes),
what her position was vis a' vis the Candidates, she answered :I am committed to Xavier!!! This showed Laurence that Laurence's record of accomplishmnents on a large beneficial scale to the City and Citizens does not measure up to her choice of Candidate.

We do not pay increased salaries to firemen to subvert the Lake Worth political campaigns. The fact that they have time to do that for days,shows, we do not need so many firemen.
We can replace half of the politically destructive,Fire Dept. personnel by voluntary firemen, and really lower our taxes!!!!!

Laurence has been a voluntary Fireman for 5 years. He was nominated for Fire Chief but could not accept since he owned a restaurant for years, and had 2 small children.

To compare Laurence's stellar record for the City with any other Candidate's is a
case of gross dillusion.Foul, sleazy actions perpetrated on Laurence's clean campaign,
by sleazy sewer rats, two of which walk aound with enormous disgusting, bloated unprocessed food guts, making the City look like a haven for undisciplined putrid minded and deranged(like their unprocessed food) people, to spew their sewage on the internet about known honorable people.
God already punished one of the sewer rats rightfully, with a defective creature for off spring!There is a God after all.Venom begets venom!


E.G.: Laurence cost the City hundreds of thousands dollars in legal fees by suing. Call the City attorney and ask for the invoices.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

laurence mcnamara's 600 garden planted signs.

We now have 124 left.They were planted with property owners civilized approval,as they respected their significance.
A deranged creature who cleans toilets in the Palm Beach Golf club does not respect anything or anybody as in undeveloped Countries.

The rest was stolen by the element that engages in such activity in all global slums.
It has no respect for anything and anybody. I was driven through them in the Far East,while manufacturing dresses,Rio and the Islands etc., while wintering South from New York.

One such creature was caught on Dixie Highway,destroying a political sign(1First Amendment Right of every American Citizen).
The primitive savage, was caught by a shop owner and reported to the police.

The new element is sneakier, more primitive,more vicious, probably learned in the slums they originated from,Communist Countries?, where nothing is sacred, certainly not human Rights to a political sign.That element ran over our sign back and forth, when sufficiently damaged threw them on the street.

The true Lake Worth Citizens respect one another and our properties.
These have been misled by our paid now corrupt Fire Dept. supposed to be non political, not paid to subvert political Candidates,with lies filled robo calls to unsuspecting Citizens.They are now subverting political Candidates , without verifying the facts of their brainless activity.

Firefighters from Miami area,Jupiter, orlando,all over,
with time on their hands Campaigned throughout the election, proof they are not needed as fire fighters but political weapons for subversion.Our tax money is ill spent in their case. Let us form a volunteer Fire Dept. Laurence ahs been a volunteer fire fighter for 5 years, the Communist Union Chief declined to interview him as a Mayoral Candidate. He decides who occupies our Mayoral seat.
Time for a volunteer fighters force, which will be fire fighters only, not ploitical subversion weapons for dishonest,sneaky Candidates.

Is it time for volunteering Fire fighting people? Save a large amount of tax money.